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Diamond Viper V330 AGP Video - Windows NT Driver Installation

This Video card will have the drivers installed on the systems it is shipped with.
In case the driver files are missing or destroyed, the drivers are located on the Windows NT Recovery CD at:
X:\Drivers\Viper330 (X = CD-ROM drive letter).

The following setup screens provide a graphical tour of the setup process.

  1. Open the NT Workstation 4.0 Control Panel
  2. Select the Display Icon.
  3. Select Change display type.
After rebooting the system the following dialog screen will display. This message alerts the user of the changes which have taken place.

Click to View NT Display Settings Screen

Windows NT Control Panel

Windows NT Display Properties

Windows 95/98 Setup - Video Drivers

Windows 98 Control Panel

Windows 98 Device Manager

Windows 98 Display Properties

Document Information